Home » Engine Overhauling Price in Philippines for Cars

Engine Overhauling Price in Philippines for Cars

Problems with your car engine can lead to safety concerns and inconvenience. In the Philippines, auto shops can offer engine overhauling when necessary. Find out more about the price of the service.

Price of Overhauling

In the Philippines, car engine overhauling price may start from Php 25,000 to Php 69,000 depending on the problem. You may request for a quote to know the breakdown of the cost.

See: Car Repair Prices

Labor Price

In most cases, the price of overhauling will already include the labor costs. This will be a tedious work and labor is among the more expensive part of overhauling.

Some mechanics will charge up to Php 12,000 only for labor on engine overhauling.

Spare Parts

In most cases, overhauling will involve the purchase of various parts. Some of them will be replaced while others may be refurbished. The auto mechanic will provide the recommendations.



Overhauling gasket


Piston ring

Auto Shops

You may have the car overhauling service from a trusted auto shop. The mechanic may first inspect the condition based on your complaints. Here is a list of auto shops for overhauling.


Gasoline station mechanics



Overhauling duration may take several days to complete. Usually, the car is left to the auto shop overnight or for a few days. You need to ask this from your mechanic.

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